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Amhara Ethiopia's Guardian

የአማራ ኀብረተስብ ቅርስ በሚኒሶታ
Mission Statement:
Our mission is to preserve, promote, advocate and share the valuable heritage of the Amhara people of Ethiopia. It is also our mission to provide assistance to the Amhara society in need.
Vision Statement:
Our vision is to make the Amhara history, folk culture, language and art well known and recognized in Minnesota and across the nations.
Heritage and History
Ailing Civic Space in an Authoritarian State
Download this document: Ailing Civic Space in an Authoritarian State
News and Events
AHSM annual members meeting
On December 29, 2018, AHSM held the first annual members meeting to celebrate our establishment. In this event, we have discussed various current issues and gathered important suggestions on

Amhara Heritage Society of Minnesota (AHSM) Inauguration
We are proud to announce that the Amhara Heritage Society of Minnesota (AHSM) is officially established on October 20th, 2018. The inauguration was celebrated with members and families with great
Our Sponsors
If you'd like to be featured as a sponsor, please email ????

Our Programs
Media and Public Relation
Technology and Mentorship
Event Planning and Fundraising
Volunteer Coordination
Members Recruitment
Education, Art, and Culture
Health and Wellbeing Services
Financial Advising
Support our work
Make a donation or become a dues-paying member.